Who is Elle Lincoln?

This may come as a surprise to you, and maybe not others but Elle Lincoln is a *gasp* pen-name. Ok, ok back away with your pitchforks! Like most authors I write under a pen-name. But Why you may ask. Itโ€™s simple really, well for some it is simple. But there are some dangers out there in the big bad world. Believe it or not but there have been stalkers of all varieties. So this is the way we protect our identity.

So how did I come up with Elle Lincoln. That was the easy part. Elle is definitely from Stranger Things. She is probably one of my all time favorite characters aside from Chunk on Goonies. But who would buy a book from an Author named Chunk? Oh, you wouldโ€ฆ Huh. Maybe if I ever write in a different genre then I will use the name Chunk. Iโ€™d need an equally amusing last name like Monkey, with a middle name of Yee.

Lincoln, is absolutely from Abe Lincoln. I donโ€™t know why Iโ€™m moderately obsessed with the 16th president but he just looks like a chill guy. That and when he was a vampire hunter of course.

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