Spring Flowers

Hello Friends. I hope you are all doing damn well on this spring day.

I hope your mental health is ready for warmer weather and longer days in the sun because I sure am.

So… Let’s chat.

I’m so tired. I feel the burnout creeping up on me. The pressure to keep on delivering and the ton deafness of some of my characters shrugging a shoulder and rolling over to go back to bed.

I can’t wait to take off in June and July. I don’t just need it. I NEED it. I did push back Chaos magic to drop every 6-8 weeks. It can’t be helped. I’m taking a little more time on editing right now, and I honestly think it is a damn good thing. Sometimes we just need to breathe.

TikTok… My dudes. I am trying so hard. But I feel like the elder millennial I am. Please find me on TikTok and comment, follow, and interact. There wasn’t a TikTok icon for WordPress yet, so peep the t in the top right. ONE of those leads to TikTok.

A HUGE thank you to everyone who signed up for my newsletter. You are the real MVPs. I send notifications of discounted preorders, signed paperbacks, freebies, etc. You will all find a freebie at some point in august! Maybe two depending on how I feel about taking the summer off.

Also, Audrey. She’s just about finished. I’m rolling through my final readthrough before she goes off to my kick-ass editing team. Then ARCs, which I am accepting applications for at this time! So please check out the ARC page here on my website.

The next few months will be crazy busy for me, so I promise I’m here if you don’t hear from me. There is just a lot going on. Again, I need the vacation! I might even buy a hot tub for the yard. πŸ˜‰

; Elle

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