Back to school is upon us. My kids started last week, and it has been a mind-fuck!
My oldest started college, and let me tell you. The girl is thriving. I’m so immensely proud of her. She’s got such a quick wit, all the sass of her mama, and she’s in a major surrounded by boys, and she is dominating. Have I mentioned how proud of her I am?
So damn proud.
My oldest boy just started his sophomore year of high school and, in the same week, began his first job serving at the local diner. Luckily, one of my mama tribe works there, and she’s keeping him in line.
The two littles? Well, I missed soccer sign-ups. But my middle boy started seventh grade, and the baby is now in kindergarten. Did I get weepy? Of course, I did. That one is a hellion.
I officially have a handful of hours to myself in the morning. And I’ve been filling it up with words. But I’ve also been trying to exercise, and well… look pretty. It kept rolling through my head to dress for the part I want to play.
So I’ve been dressing up just to sit on my couch and write.
All that said… I have a few preorders up for you!
First up is Psychotic, and she’s listed for Halloween! Guys, this book. I am in LOVE! Which usually means it can go either way in the market. Pepper and her guys came at me full speed. Even my beta readers were like… What the F**K? Which gives me the warm fuzzies. She’s listed for $0.99 for the next week, and then she gets bumped to full price. So if you love to buy my first in series, get on it!
Pepper’s series has five books currently. She’s super slow burn. And hold the potential for more books. But I’m beginning with five and going from there. The plot is simple, but a little darker.
Think ghost stories for book 1.
I have the release dates hashed out, but… I know you all may not like this, but… I had to break it up. Why? Omegaverse.
Friends, I didn’t think it would do as well as it did, and it’s become one of my highest-earning books. So I want to get books 1 and 2 of Chaos magic out and then drop book 3 in Castle Omega. This way, I can alternate between releases.
It also means I have to reread Audrey, address a few things, get her up, get the paper backs up (more on my to-do list), and then plot Sawyer.
Speaking of, Sawyer is up for preorder for March 7th of 2023. I have her listed at full price. Why? Because this book is going to be a standalone and big. I am also heavily debating giving these bad boys new covers, which I’ll decide at the end of the month.
IN BETWEEN all of this, I’m getting my copyrights to my whole backlist and bringing them back up and running. I’m not sure where I’m going to start here. I bought the lifetime subscription to editing software, so I’m set and ready to read.
Why? Because of Plottr. This is helping me SO much in hashing out my characters, especially as they cross paths. I’m also addressing those pesky critical reviews (the legitimate ones) and restricting the use of the word “fuck” to only conversation and not in thought. Why? It’s something that bugged me and something I wanted to address.
Apparently, I think I’m superwoman or some shit.
Until next month!
; elle